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Displaying 3 result(s) for "Bryce Dallas Howard"
Just a month ago, the filmmaker of Jurassic World, Colin Trevorrow, and the fans had a mini discussion on what the movie title will be for the third film. All you Jurassic fans out there can rejoice and have your little ...
It’s been four years since theme park and luxury resort Jurassic World was destroyed by dinosaurs out of containment. Isla Nublar now sits abandoned by humans while the surviving dinosaurs fend for themselves in the jungles. When the island’s dormant volcano begins ...
We can all agree that the 2016’s summer’s crop of movie blockbusters produced a lacklustre performance at the box office, which included some of the most exhausted, uninspired and underwhelming films. While some fared better than expected, let’s hope for a ...

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