Artist: Zhu Houren
Location: Christmas Tree @Art Square
米奇是我幼时的一大部分。我相信每位都有同感。国庆来临, 我想邀请米奇一起欢庆国庆。新加坡是个著名的热带花园城市。因此我的米奇带上了太阳眼镜以呈现我们热烈的阳光蓝天, 与及武吉知马的绿油油和环岛绿景城市的美誉、让我们攀爬展望更高更远的未来。 Mickey has been a big part of my childhood and I believe everyone feels the same too. As National Day approaches, I would like invite Mickey to celebrate our Nation’s birthday. Singapore is a city known for its greenery and sunny skies. Hence I have dressed Mickey up with sunshades as a reference to our bright sunny skies, as well as the lush Bukit Timah nature reserves with greenery all around Singapore, and we will climb greater heights to a better future together.