Singapore Chinese Film Festival 2019 (Golden Village)
A Dog's Life + Vios
No Dialogue - subtitles to be advised
Ler Jiyuan,Wendy Toh
The 55 th Golden Horse Awards: Nominated for Best Animation Feature
The film consists of four stories about four different dogs and their owners’ lives, reflecting love, life, and departure. Who will these four dogs meet? What kind of situation do they have? Produced, directed, and written by the legendary director of the New Taiwan Cinema Chang Yi, who celebrates his return to cinema as a result of his commitment to the late Edward Yang, who dreamt of creating animation films.
四个人,四只狗,在他们各自的城市相遇,展开四段不同的生命旅程:小男孩在 雨夜的街头急切地寻寻觅觅,想要找到曾舔过他手的小狗;爱狗的男人救回独眼 流浪狗,没想到狗群却无法和平共处;老狗的毛病再度发作,老主人焦急地将它 送医,急救过程中,过去的相处回忆一一浮现;养着品种狗的女人捡回一只毛发 杂乱的小狗,却对两只狗的相处产生了疑虑。 台湾新电影旗手张毅在淡出影坛后,费时近十年完成从影生涯的首部动画长片。 全片没有对白,以配乐及四种不同的技法与画风,呈现四种不同的境遇与人狗互 动的细腻表情。是张毅对爱犬的告白,也是实现他当年跟杨德昌一同构筑的动画 梦。
“At which point do you let go?...” - This is the central question of “Vios”, a documentary that tracks the last days of a dog suffering from terminal cancer and how its owners struggle with the critical decision: whether or not to euthanize her. Shot over a 6-month period by the owners themselves, this intimate documentary is an unfettered access into the lives of the filmmakers, exposing their deepest vulnerabilities in face of this crisis, which had crushed their finances and even threatened to break their relationship.
“什么时候该放手?”——这是Vios这部纪录片提出的问题。Vios罹患末期癌 症,她的主人吕吉元和卓慧玲花了六个月时间进行拍摄,记录她在世的最 后时光,同时也展现了主人的内心挣扎:是否要让Vios安乐死? 爱狗病危,两位主人也因此面对危机,变得脆弱——他们在过程中面对了 财务问题,感情也触礁。 Vios的主人希望通过分享自身的故事,令人们更加关注狗患癌的课题。