PG13 Some Violence & Intense Sequences
Mandarin with English & Chinese subtitles
Action, Crime, Disaster
Andy Lau, Zhang Zifeng, Qu Chuxiao, Liu Tao
“Is anyone there? Yes…”
A mysterious message from Gao Haojun (Andy Lau) came from 10,000 meters in the air. A five-star luxurious A380 airplane was hijacked on its maiden flight. The hijacker Mike (Qu Chuxiao) is threatening the lives of all 800 passengers onboard and Gao’s wife (Liu Tao) and daughter (Zhang Zifeng). Gao, an international security expert, stepped up to deal with the hijackers. Will he be successful save all the passengers and resolve the crisis?
一条来自高皓军(刘德华 饰)的神秘讯息从万呎高空传来。一架五星级A380 超豪华客机在国际首航途中遭劫机,国际保安专家高皓军挺身而出与一众劫匪周旋,女儿小军(张子枫 饰)被困机舱,劫匪头目Mike(屈楚萧饰)以全机800余人的生命作为筹码威胁,小军的妈妈傅源(刘涛 饰)也身陷危险之中......飞机能否平安降落,这场危机该如何化解?