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Displaying 3 result(s) for "Hotel Transylvania 3: A Monster Vacation"
Image credit: Sony Pictures   Sony Pictures Animation has unveiled a new sneak peek trailer at their upcoming animated sequel “Hotel Transylvania 3: A Monster Vacation”, featuring plenty of goofy monster vacation antics. Check out the Hotel Transylvania 3 sneak peek trailer below!   Synopsis: In ...
The weather in July is known to be sometimes hot and sunny, sometimes cold and rainy. Such varied and diverse weather conditions is similar to the new releases this July. There is a mix of new movies from the East and ...
Hello there, boys and girls! Here's a list of upcoming movies for the next 2 months that are suitable for kids and the young-at-heart. From superheroes (erm, sidekicks to be precise), to loveable creatures (actually, monsters to be exact), to cuddly ...

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