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Vanguard (2020)
Covert security company Vanguard is the last hope of survival for an accountant after he is targeted by the world's deadliest mercenary organization.
Take note: Vanguard 《急先锋》, Detective Chinatown 3 《唐人街探案3》, The Rescue 《紧急救援》and Jiang Zi Ya: Legend of Deification《姜子牙》are the four movies affected.  The outbreak of the Novel Coronavirus (nCoV) (a.k.a Wuhan Virus) has affected even the movie industry as the four Chinese titles ...
Releasing in Singapore on 25th January, right smack on the first day of the Chinese New Year, Vanguard 《急先锋》is an upcoming Chinese action film starring Jackie Chan, Yang Yang, Ai Lun, Mu Qimiya and Xu Ruohan with a special appearance of ...

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