Rurouni Kenshin, live-action adaptation of the popular manga, gets green light to a two-part sequel. The two movies will be revolving around the Kyoto Arc, with Tatsuya Fujiwara portraying Shishio Makoto as the villain in the movie.
Actor Takeru Satoh will reprise his role as the Himura Kenshin, with Keishi Otomo return to direct the the sequel.
(Director Keishi Otomo talks about making 'Rurouni Kenshin')
Get an idea of how Rurouni Kenshin is like in the hands of Keishi Otomo!
It is noted that Rurouni Kenshin broke box office records for a Japanese title in the Philippines through Pioneer Films, and was the highest grossing Japanese release in Singapore in four years through Encore Films.