[InC-terview] YouTube Musicians Jason Chen & Clara C!
By InCinemas / 29 Jul 2013 (Monday)
Many would have heard of their name - Jason Chen and Clara C, from YouTube sensations to full-time musicians.

Organised by Jnation Entertainment, the duo were in Singapore to hold a showcase for their fans. On top of that, they held an autograph session at Bugis+ which saw hundreds of screaming fans rooting for them.
Here's what they have to say during a group interview conducted at the Grand Copthorne Waterfront Hotel last Friday. Though jammed-packed with schedules, they still greeted us with smiles and Jason exclaimed in excitement at the sight of the Mentos sweets on the table.
(More about Jason Chen & Clara C!)
Hi Jason and Clara, what's your first impression of each other?
Clara: YouTube circle is really small. My first impression was that he (Jason) was really scared of me...
Jason: I was scared of her but she really has good music!
Did you guys grew up wanting to do music?
Clara: Yah, just that I didn’t think it was possible.
Jason: I wanted to be president, then I wanted to be a truck driver, then I wanted to be a professional basketball player, then an investment banker and then I wanted to do music.
Clara: If we’re talking that, then I want to be a cashier! When I was a little girl, I like the sound of the fake nails on the buttons? I love that sound.
Is there anybody you would like to collaborate with, dead or alive?
Jason: I want to work with Michael Jackson! I just want to meet that guy.
(Listen to Clara's songs on her YouTube Channel - ClaraCMusic!)
How conscious are you with regards to YouTube comments and how do you deal with the negative ones?
Jason: I’m definitely conscious of it. I realised which videos do better and which don't. But they don’t necessarily stop me from doing videos, I don’t thing people will do as well.
In terms of handling hate, I used to take it hard I guess? About three years ago. Now I just think it’s funny. I actually respond to haters and I actually appreciate it. I’m most scared of having no comments, so I feel that if you’re going to take time to hate me, hate away. Thanks for commenting and watching you know!

(Check out Jason Chen's YouTube Channel - MusicNeverSleeps!)
On the topic of comments, what are some of the strange or interesting comments you have?
Clara: Oh! My favourite is everyone just thinks that I’m a different race. It’s very open what race I am, you know, but the comment will be like “She’s Chinese”, “No, she’s not Chinese, she’s Filipino” and no one says I’m Korean because I’m really Korean! So that’s funny.
Jason: Actually that happens to me too!
Clara (cuts): Really? You too?
Jason: 'Jason Chen is Vietnamese.' Okay, sure, thank you. And then someone corrects them and say 'he’s Japanese'. Alright..
Oh! People ask me about my height all the time, and they correct them incorrectly, like ‘Jason Chen is 5”9', I’m just like.. Okay. 'No! He’s actually 4”10'. I’m like okay, whatever you guys want, I’m cool.

What are you earlier memories of music when you’re younger?
Clara: Do you know the movie Sound of Music? I watched that when I was six and I has just started piano lessons. I got my little $20 keyboard and learnt every single song. So inspired by that movie, and I still love it!
Jason: For me it’s violin because I started playing violin since I’m five and a half, and learned everything by ear, I don’t read music. It was just a lot of listening and imitating I guess.
What do you do when you feel down or sad. Is there a particular place you go to or look for a particular person?
Jason: I eat. When I’m really sad, I eat a lot and that kind of make me sadder, then I eat more. that’s not good. Yeah...
Clara: Sometimes I just sulk which is bad, sometimes I roll up in bed, other times I go to hang out with friends. I have a fiancé and I go to him. He makes me happy, and makes me laugh all day. Haven’t been really frustrated lately.

What’s that one point which influenced you to make a decision to pursue your music career?
Clara: Breaking up with my boyfriend. I don’t know what I can say here but he’s a bad word. He told me not to do music. Breaking up with him was the best thing I ever did.
Jason: I think it was when I realised I had spent my whole life doing what was expected for me like schooling, working and by the end of it all, I still wasn’t happy? Then you know what, I’m just gonna do music because that makes me happier.
Where do you see yourselves in 5 years time?
Clara: Whoo! Maybe pregnant? 5 years? I’m getting married this September so hopefully in 5 years I should have a baby... (Congrats Clara!)
Jason, you recently covered Boa’s “Only One”. ARe there any other Kpop songs you would like to cover?
Jason: Erm, I’ve always like Boa and when I heard that song, I felt it was a really cool song, so I wouldn’t say no, but in the near future, I haven’t been listening to Kpop so probably not? But if I hear something I like, definitely.