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A ‘Love Of A Lifetime’ this Valentine’s Day!

By InCinemas  /  07 Feb 2014 (Friday)
Love is in the air this February and in line with Lifetime’s Tuesday Movie Nights, expect a range of romantic movies all the way till 14 Feb!

Also, stand a chance to win a pizza delivered right at your doorstep!

Beauty & The Briefcase
11 February - 8pm

A fashion reporter goes undercover in the business world in the hopes of finding love while writing an article about dating men in suits. Hilary Duff stars as a struggling freelance writer, desperate to sell an article that would pay her rent, when she stumbles upon the pitch of a lifetime: an article about finding Mr. Right in the workplace.

12 February - 8pm

In the vein of Mamma Mia, Lovestruck: The Musical is a full blown traditional song and dance musical filled with magic and romance about what happens when Harper (Jane Seymour), who is on her way to stop her daughter’s Mirabella’s wedding to Italian playboy Marco takes a swig of magical elixir that turns her back into her 22 year-old self (now played by Chelsea Kane). Now young she infiltrates the wedding posing as a distant cousin to break up Marco and Mirabella (Sara Paxton) for good.

Hearts On Fire
13 February - 8pm

Jenny excels at her job as a 911 dispatch operator, always checking up on important calls and maintaining a good rapport with the police officers and firefighters she regularly communicates with. After being notified that her hours are going to be cut, Jenny decides to rent out the spare room in her house to make up for her lost income - a necessity, since she is a single mother with two children.

My Fake Fiance
14 February - 8pm

Oil and water get along better than Jennifer and Vince who are seated together at a wedding and have an immediate and passionate dislike for one another. Jennifer is a smart, sarcastic go-getter with a penchant for burning through boyfriends, while Vince is a fringe-dwelling ladies’ man and bad gambler who gets by more on charm and wits then on any discernible skill set. The one thing they have in common, however, is shock and awe at the haul of presents and cash the bride and groom rake in as wedding gifts.

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(Spot the movie ticket number during the Tuesday Lifetime Movies and fill in your particulars here!)
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