If you’re unaware about the latest and well-loved Pixar’s newest animation, ‘Disney/Pixar’s Inside Out’, you’re definitely missing out.

In a nutshell, as this trailer will tell you, our emotions, like Riley’s are made up of five main emotions - Joy, Fear, Disgust, Anger and Sadness. To wholly embrace these five emotions, we carefully compiled a couple of movies that will bring out these specific emotions to its fullest.
Also, it’s the perfect excuse to binge on movies, just saying.

Marvel’s The Avengers is one of the best superhero ensemble film. Gathering some of the greatest superheroes in the Marvel Cinematic Universe like Iron Man, Captain America and Black Widow, there’s no doubt this movie will bring the smiles and even the chills while watching it.

One of the most talked-about film during the Oscar season in 2012, Silver Linings Playbook scored Jennifer Lawrence her first Lead Actress award. It’s one of the warmest and heartiest film out there; about how love comes in many forms.
Aca-come’on, Pitch Perfect is the greatest feel-good indulgence! Jam to hit songs performed by The Barden Bellas, laugh at Fat Amy’s punny jokes, and be entertained by the film’s clever ‘riff-off’.

Dinosaurs - The scariest creatures 600 million years ago now co-exist with humans on Earth. If that premise doesn’t frighten you enough, wait till you are introduced to the Indominus Rex, the hybrid dinosaur genetically engineered by smart alecs.
Shaw will be re-releasing an IMAX version of the film from 27 Aug - 2 Sep! [Find out more: http://bit.ly/1EhDnOP]

The classic film thriller directed by auteur Steven Spielberg is a ‘must-watch’. If you call yourself a fan of movies, you would have watched or at least heard of ‘Jaws’. It’s horrifying as hell, but extremely satisfying. Aftermath of watching this film includes afraid of swimming in open waters.
There’s bound to be a horror flick in the list. This story is rife with horror imagery that includes scary dolls with flaming red cheeks, distasteful corpses and everything in between. Director James Wan sure knows how to scare the s*** out of our poor human souls for this film is surely not for the faint-hearted.

Words cannot describe how much we cannot comprehend the ‘success’ of Human Centipede. To date, there are already 3 sequels to it! It’s utterly disgusting, extremely distasteful and absolutely gag-worthy.
This Japanese anime-to-film adaptation may be a worldwide hit and especially for the manga fans, it made it to our ‘disgust’ list not because it’s repulsive to watch, but the image of human-eating titans who look rather awfully-creepy is well, disgusting.
The sequel is coming to Singapore this September, and we are giving away some premiere tickets! Stay tuned!
The French mystery thriller is both homophobic and misogynistic. When it first premiered at the Cannes Film Festival in 2002, reviewers predicted it to be ‘the most walked-out-of movie of 2003’. The sickening rape scene that had everyone talking about, is just a static shot that doesn’t allow viewers to wonder their eyes off to something else. It’s disturbing to the core. It’s one of those films that get extreme views on both ends and please help yourself by doing some research on this film if you intend to watch it.

21 is an American heist drama film directed by Robert Luketic and stars Jim Sturgess and Kevin Spacey, about a group of card counting undergraduates. It makes us angry watching this film because we really wished we had that kind of skills to remember and observe.
There are a few kinds of movies that can make you fuming mad. Josh Trank’s Fantastic Four makes you irritable because at the end of the movie, you will realise you’ve just wasted 90 minutes of your precious life that you can never get back. Don’t. Just don’t.
It’s another one of those Adam Sandler films. Period.

Why do you want to torture yourself with this tearjerker film? Dog lover or not, this will leave you crying buckets.

This is the romantic love story that got every teenager shipping the Hazel-Augustus pair. “Okay? Okay.” was part of the phenomenon during that period of time as well. When you pair a cancer patient with another cancer patient, what you get is a weeping moviegoer.
Titanic is the epitome of a heart-wrenching film. Though it portrays a less-than-realistic modern love affair, trust me, you’ll bawl. I’ve watched the film six times and sobbed at the same damn scene every single time!
How about yours? What are some of the movies that got your emotions working? Tell us in the comments section below!
Disney/Pixar's Inside Out is now showing InCinemas! Check out our exclusive interview with the directors of the film here!