Choose Your Destiny at the ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ VivoCity Atrium Mega Event!
By Flora / 01 Dec 2015 (Tuesday)
Today marks the start of December, and that also means we are inching closer to the release of the biggest movie of the year, Star Wars: The Force Awakens! Fans of the sci-fi movie, there’s no reason you will not be heading down to VivoCity this month to visit the 370 sq meter exhibition!

Here are some highlights not to be missed.
Largest LEGO Wall Mural

It’s official. The 6.2x2.4m wall mural, made entirely from LEGO bricks, has marked its place in the Singapore Book of Records. Two LEGO builders spent over 10 hours each day for a month, to complete the impressive wall mural. Make sure to snap a picture when you are there!
Life-sized Stormtroopers

It’s not everyday that you are greeted with 10 6-feet tall Stormtroopers! Placed right at the main entrance of the exhibition, be sure to snap a selfie with these iconic Star Wars characters!
Choose Your Destiny

Are you a Jedi Master or a Sith Lord? Do you have what it takes to wield the iconic Lightsaber for good? Or will you turn to the Dark side? Your destiny will be revealed!
The Ultimate Millennium Falcon

Crafted by 6 adult fans of LEGO who formed Titan Creations, the Ultimate Millennium Falcon is a labour of love built in one and a half months. Larger than the LEGO‐produced UCS Millennium Falcon, this MOC (“My Own Creation”) went viral and caused a stir in the LEGO community. Seize the rare opportunity to witness this fan‐made creation in real‐life, which measures 110cm by 85cm up close!
Add to Your Star Wars Collection

With over hundreds over Star Wars merchandise & memorabilia from Toys 'R' Us, Simply Toys, Action City and Royal Selangor, it’s rather hard to leave the place empty-handed. From figurines to cufflinks, bobble-head toys to adorable backpacks, it’s a heaven for collectors and fans of the movie.
There will also be a showcase of collectible ⅙‐scale Star Wars dioramas, featuring characters from Star Wars: The Force Awakens at Central Court Level 1.
The inter-galactic experience awaits this Christmas, from 1 - 20 December 2015!
May the Force be with you.
Star Wars: The Force Awakens opens InCinemas 17 December 2015! Advanced tickets are now on sale!