Chat With 'Lucky Boy' Director Boris Boo and Cast
By InCinemas / 10 May 2017 (Wednesday)

In anticipation of local director Boris Boo's latest film 'Lucky Boy', Golden Village is holding a dialogue session Blog Aloud: Lucky Boy with director Boris Boo and cast Jeremy Chan and Terence Then. The audience will have the chance to hear from the director himself about the film 'Lucky Boy' and also learn more about the art of filming and acting.
Blog Aloud: Lucky Boy
Date: Wed 17 May 2017
Time: 7pm
Venue: GV Plaza
Tickets can be purchased here.
The film revolves around the life of Lin Yu surrounded by his family, friends and Qing Qing - the love of his life from childhood into adulthood. Cursed with perpetual bad luck, Lin Yu's life is a series of mishaps and missed chances. The film will follow him as he tries to turn his 'unlucky' fate around and get the girl of his dream.
Watch 'Lucky Boy's official trailer here.
The film opens islandwide on 18 May.