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A new on-demand streaming platform offering movies in Singapore is in the works!

By Rachelle  /  24 Jun 2020 (Wednesday)

Singapore-based media group mm2 Asia has unveiled plans to launch a new on-demand streaming platform offering movies in Singapore! mm2 Asia also plans to expand into regional markets in the future.

This platform, dubbed Cathay CineHOME, will provide viewers with access to films immediately after the theatrical window, succeeding the old, proven DVD video rental market. In addition, the platform will also allow consumers greater opportunity to watch films that had a limited theatrical run, or “online movies” which are a growing trend in China.

Cathay CineHOME will sit alongside the Cathay Cineplexes brand of cinemas that have been a household name in the Asian entertainment industry for more than eight decades. mm2 Asia acquired Cathay Cineplexes in 2017 which attracts millions of moviegoers annually to its eight outlets islandwide.

Melvin Ang, Executive Chairman of mm2 Asia said:

With Cathay CineHOME, mm2 intends to develop a complementary platform to the cinema exhibition business. Many people want to watch the latest movies but may be unable to find the time to go to the cinema. They used to be able to rent DVDs from the neighbourhood video shop, but the majority of those shops are no longer around. If you miss a film at the cinema, Cathay CineHOME will offer movie lovers an invaluable and flexible option to enjoy their favourite films at their own personal preferred timing. This service will not replace the experience of going out to the cinemas.

We have always wanted a complementary platform to our cinemas to address the needs of movie lovers to achieve our long-announced OTT ambitions. The coronavirus situation has simply accelerated the group’s total digital strategy.

Cathay CineHOME will be using the Transactional Video on Demand (TVOD) model that allows consumers to watch the movies that they want on a pay-per-view basis. mm2 has not finalized the business terms and pricing plan for the platform with major studio and producer partners at this time but is targeting for the service to be available sometime in the third quarter this year.

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