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WE NOT NAUGHTY surpasses S$1.7 million at the local box-office!

By InCinemas  /  08 Feb 2012 (Wednesday)

That's right, the brand new Jack Neo film, WE NOT NAUGHTY, continues to score at the local box-office. It was the No. 1 Chinese New Year movie a couple of weeks ago, and has now crossed S$1.7 million in earnings. Spread the message and support local films!

(Click to view showtimes for all cineplexes for WE NOT NAUGHTY here!)

[Film still of WE NOT NAUGHTY]

"A big THANK YOU to everyone, we have surpassed $1.7 million at the Singapore box office and is marching towards $2million! We are the Number 1 Chinese movie this CNY in Singapore. Please continue to help us spread the word about our movie. And lastly thank you everyone for liking our facebook page and sharing all your comments here! 

感谢大家的支持,我们在新加坡的票房已经冲破170万,迈向200万目标前进,成为了今年中文贺岁片冠军!真的很谢谢你们所有的留言,虽不能一一回复,但真的由衷感激!" - from WE NOT NAUGHTY Facebook Page!

[Film still of WE NOT NAUGHTY]

WE NOT NAUGHTY is set to be released in Malaysia in March or April too!

(Click to view the latest TVC from WE NOT NAUGHTY!)

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