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Watch the highly-entertaining 4 minutes clip from 'Warm Bodies' in 1080p!

By InCinemas  /  05 Feb 2013 (Tuesday)
"Why can't I connect with people? Oh right.. That's because I'm dead."

In this 4 minutes clip of Warm Bodies, we get to know about the zombies' daily routine and the problems they face through the eyes of a highly unusual zombie played by Nicholas Hoult. And it just makes you want to find out more about the movie, which only opens in Singapore on 14 March 2013.

Visit our movie detail page where we put up a number of clips available, including the one where Julie reveals her complicated feelings for R!

  • A funny new twist on a classic love story, Warm Bodies is a poignant tale about the power of human connection. After a zombie epidemic, R (Nicholas Hoult) encounters a human survivor, Julie (Teresa Palmer), and rescues her from a zombie attack.

    Julie sees that R is different from the other zombies, and as the two form a special relationship in their struggle for survival, R becomes increasingly more human – setting off an exciting, romantic, and often comical chain of events that begins to transform the other zombies and maybe even the whole lifeless world.

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