Jacky Cheung, Nicholas Tse, Karena Lam, Cya Liu
When a container ship mysteriously turns up in Hong Kong waters, local Customs officers sail into dangerous international drama. After boarding the vessel, a team led by Cheung Wan-nam (Jacky Cheung) and including young hotshot Chow Ching-lai (Nicholas Tse) discover dead bodies of crew members and a huge cache of arms, including a valuable compass suited for use in a submarine. The customs officers don't know it yet, but an international incident is about to blow up...
香港海关在一次例行海上巡逻中,查获一艘藏有大批杀伤力武器的货船,调查过程中遭遇一群海外势力轰炸抢夺。为追查走私真相,张允南(张学友 饰)派出下属周正礼(谢霆锋 饰)与国际刑警一同远赴海外,辗转庞大而复杂的军火黑市,顶着漫天炮火追查线索的周正礼刚有眉目,噩耗却突然从香港传来,原来军火失窃另有隐情……