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5 Funny Quotes for 'A Million Ways to Die In The West'

By InCinemas  /  29 May 2014 (Thursday)
Seth MacFarlane directs, produces, co-writes and plays the role of the cowardly sheep farmer Albert in A Million Ways to Die in the West.

And here are 5 funny quotes from the movie you shouldn't miss!

(Find out more about the movie and watch the trailers here!)


He had only one shootin’ style: close range


... and that's just by using his eyes


Bro Code #717: Don’t let a bro overdo the moustache wax. It should tickle her thighs, not scratch.


Why can’t I just tap ‘A’ repeatedly?


Seth MacFarlane & Amanda Seyfried have decided to start a folk duo and brew their own beer in a vintage mine-cart.

Seth MacFarlane directs, produces, co-writes and plays the role of the cowardly sheep farmer Albert in A Million Ways to Die in the West. After Albert backs out of a gunfight, his fickle girlfriend leaves him for another man. When a mysterious and beautiful woman rides into town, she helps him find his courage and they begin to fall in love. But when her husband, a notorious outlaw, arrives seeking revenge, the farmer must put his newfound courage to the test.

A Million Ways To Die In The West opens InCinemas 12 June 2014!
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