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Miranda Kerr Made Orlando Bloom “Pee in a Bottle” During 27 Hour Birth of Their Son

By InCinemas  /  13 May 2011 (Friday)
Source: Ok! Magazine

Orlando Bloom may not have had to experience the same amount of pain his wife Miranda Kerr was in during the 27-hour-long birth of their son, but Miranda did make him experience some discomfort. She didn’t allow him to use the bathroom! 

Miranda stopped by Conan on Wednesday night showing off her amazing post-baby bod to which Conan O’Brien said, “That is an incredible dress that you’ve been dipped into.”

The model revealed that she was determined to have a natural birth even though it ended up lasting 27 hours!

“I had made my mind up that I was going to have a natural birth…then the doctors said ‘Ok, you’re going to have to be induced because there’s not enough fluid for the baby,’ so I was induced,” Miranda explained. “And then, it was 27 hours later with not one drop [of pain medication] because I’d been determined I’d do it….And let me tell you, my baby was almost 10 pounds.”

But Orlando stayed by her side the whole time — whether he liked it or not!

Miranda told Conan, “He was there every moment by my side, I mean I never even let him go to the bathroom.”

“That seems extreme,” Conan said. “You didn’t let him leave? That’s 27 hours! He probably had to urinate at some point.”

“Yes, he had to pee in a bottle,” Miranda explained. “I made him pee in a bottle.”

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