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Johnny Depp Reportedly Nearing Deal For A Fifth Pirates Of The Caribbean Movie

By InCinemas  /  06 Jul 2011 (Wednesday)
Source: cinemablend.com

Disney wants to do it. Jerry Bruckheimer certainly wants to do it. About the only thing standing in the way of another Pirates of the Caribbean film is Johnny Depp, and it sounds like that domino is about to fall.

The Oscar-nominated A-lister is “close to signing a deal” to return to the role of vagabond pirate Capt. Jack Sparrow for a fifth Caribbean effort, The Wrap reports. Back before Rob Marshall’s On Stranger Tides opened in theaters, screenwriter Terry Rossio turned in a script for a fifth Pirates adventure, which prompted Depp to ask Disney to slow down, space the sequels out, and give him time to play other characters.

Then Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides earned more than $1 billion in worldwide ticket sales, and Depp apparently changed his tune.

That being said, the actor is on the hook for a handful of other projects, so even if he did agree to a fifth Pirates film, it likely would have to happen after already announced film versions of The Lone Ranger with Gore Verbinski and Armie Hammer, as well as a remake of The Thin Man with Marshall at the helm. Or the latter could be pushed overboard in favor of Pirates 5 … or whatever off-kilter subtitle they come up with. (Ranger seems locked into its December 2012 release date, and might be the only thing Depp does before returning to the high seas.)

Either way, a fifth Pirates film became inevitable the minute the latest entry sailed past the $1 billion (with a “B”) mark, and Depp’s minor protests no doubt fell on deaf ears. Plus, with that many tickets sold, the people have spoken with their wallets. Everyone seems to be demanding more Jack Sparrow and it sounds like’s Depp’s ready to play along.

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