From queen to car wash woman?
Fann Wong makes her return to local television after a two-year hiatus, looking a little geeky in messy short hair and old-fashioned spectacles.
In her new drama, Be Happy, Caldecott Ah Jie plays an ex-cancer patient opposite Chen Han Wei. Xinmsn caught up with Fann during her fitting for Be Happy, which was a vast difference from her elegant character in her previous show.
Fann explained that her character, Big S, was an ex-cancer patient who claims to be a "Big Superwoman" who felt that her mission was to help those in need. She also revealed that this character had a very ordinary look as the producer wanted her to break away from "Fann Wong's shadow".
Fann shocked us when she said that her hair was chopped off for the role, but it was of course just a joke. Her long locks are covered up in a wig, which she had intended to wear home to give husband, actor Christopher Lee a surprise.
She chickened out, but when asked what Chris would think about her new look, she laughed and said, "He would probably say 'go wash my car!' Haha!"
She added, "Thank god we're already married, if not he'd run away for sure!"
Did Fann agree to uglify herself in hopes of garnering high viewership like she did for her role in 2007's Switched where she had a birthmark on her face?
The 39-year-old actress explained that she hoped to give audience something refreshing and different.
The actress also revealed that she's drawing on the experiences of friends and family who battled cancer for this role. She said her sister-in-law had a cancer scare earlier after a tumour was found in her throat but was later discovered to be benign, which was a relief for the family.
Fann stars opposite Chen Hanwei in this new drama, where they turn from rivals to good partners in helping others after Hanwei's character thought that he was diagnosed with cancer.