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Weekend Box Office - Puss In Boots Stomps Thieves And Stoners

By InCinemas  /  08 Nov 2011 (Tuesday)
Source: cinemablend.com

Call it the curse of Eddie Murphy. This weekend the first Shrek related movie that didn't feature Murphy was relatively successful while the new movie featuring Murphy got only a mediocre reception.

Puss In Boots, the Shrek franchise spin-off, pulled a rare repeat success, banking almost the same amount this weekend as it did last and holding onto the number one spot. Meanwhile Tower Heist, with its impressive cast and comedic potential, flattened out with both critics and audiences. It settled for second place with just $25 million.

The third entry in the drug-drowned Harold & Kumar series set the franchise back a bit. The second, Harold and Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay, opened in April 2008 to the tune of $14.9 million. A Very Harold & Kumar 3D Christmas, which, like decorations at Wal-Mart, arrived ridiculously early, came in at just $13 million and number three on the chart.

For the full weekend top ten, take a look at the chart below:

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