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Total Recall: You're Gonna Wish You Had Three Hands

By InCinemas  /  24 Jul 2012 (Tuesday)

(Photo - from left: Kaitlyn Leeb and Jessica Biel)
(Credit: Jessica Biel)

Kaitlyn Leeb, a 24-year-old York University psychology grad turned actress, became an internet sensation when she appeared as her character in Total Recall - a three-breasted hooker - during the Comic Con 2012 in San Diego.

And it looks real enough to make the fans ask if she had surgery for the third breast.

"It bugged me that people thought I was walking around Comic Con with my breasts hanging out," said the Toronto actress. "They’re not mine."

So they ain't real after all.. The breasts are reported to take up to five hours to put in place and cover with body makeup so that they blend with her skin tone.

Now, this has certainly blur the lines between fantasy and reality, which is exactly what Total Recall - the upcoming action thriller about reality and memory - is all about. View its Synopsis and Trailer!

Check out this featurette with sound bites from stars Colin Farrell, Kate Beckinsale, Jessica Biel and director Len Wiseman before you dream of having three hands..

Beware what you ask for when you visit Rekall, the company that can turn your dreams into real memories!

TOTAL RECALL opens InCinemas 2 August 2012. Rating to be advised.

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