Be a Superfan and get connected with your Favourite Stars!
By InCinemas / 18 May 2013 (Saturday)

Seven lucky "Superfans" are set to join their idols at the Social Star Awards at Marina Bay Sands, Singapore on 23 May 2013. Find out how you can also join the biggest party too!
The biggest music extravaganza and Award ceremony are set to happen in Singapore next week and with a star studded lineup of celebrities and singers, Singapore will be turned into days of celebration, partying with glitz and glamour!
(View the nominees of the Social Awards 2013!)The Awards, dubbed the "Oscars of Social Media" will be hosted by Jessica Alba and features performances from Aerosmith, Carly Rae Jepsen, PSY and others.
Can't wait to see your stars performing live on stage? Yes you can!
Visit for the Award show and Social Concert ticketing details!
Get connected with your Favourite Stars
Download the Starcount App on Android or IOS and join the Fan Charts of your favourite stars, for the chance to win follows, mentions and google hangouts from your favourite Stars, and to show the world, and your idols, how big a fan you are.
Fancy getting a 'mention' by your Superstar idol? These fans got their wish.
Aerosmith: Congrats to our biggest #Superfan @akaEnanaPilla! We'll see you in Singapore at @starcount's #SocialStarAwards next Thursday!
Carly Rae Jepsen: Congrats to my biggest #Superfan @jepsie_sg! See you soon at @starcount #SocialStarAwards ;) Xo
Blush: Much #blushies love @AngellikaEnjel! She won a trip to see us @Starcount #SocialStarAwards May 23rd in #Singapore. We can't wait to meet u!
In fact, for the past few weeks Starcount - organiser of the Social Star Awards - has been searching the globe for the biggest social media fans of the Superstars. Fans have been entering this competition by signing up to Starcount's app, available on IOS and Android.
About Starcount App
Starcount's app measures and ranks fans devotion to their favourite stars, analysing social behaviour such as retweets, comments and likes and placing users in Fan Charts. Today Starcount can announce that it has found these super passionate, committed fans. Hailing from right across the globe, from Argentina to Indonesia to Singapore itself, the Seven Superfans are set to see their dreams come true as they undertake an all expenses paid trip to Singapore to join the Superstars on the red carpet on 23 May, and at the Singapore Social Concerts on 24/25 May.
The Superfan Winners
The Superfan Winners are part of what makes the Social Star Awards a world first. Turning the traditional awards event on its head, the Social Star Awards are shaped by the fans that make the Stars who they are. 288 awards will be announced to the biggest Superstars of Social Media on 23 May, with winners chosen not by an industry panel, but by the social media support of 1.7bn social fans - as measured by
And here is what some of the Superfans had to say when they heard their dreams had come true:
- Aerosmith winner - Giuliana Jarrín, 22, Graphic Designer from Ecuador
"Dream on, dream until your dreams come true - five guys taught me that HUGE lesson. Winning this award is the proof they were telling me the truth! Dreams do come true! If you put your heart and soul into something you truly love you will achieve it! Being able to share this experience with my life-time idols, Aerosmith, is still surreal to me! I can't get over the shock and of course I can't wait to be right there! Finding the words to describe this feeling is impossible, from the minute I found out I have remained speechless! Aerosmith mean the world to me, they are way more than a band! They changed me! They made a huge part of who I am today! Their music saved me and Im in debt with them forever! Thank you so much Aerosmith and Starcount for this DREAM!! I love you!!"
- PSY winner - Waimoe, 14, Student from Singapore
"I was quite shocked when I saw the tweet about me being PSY's SuperFan! I've been on cloud nine ever since then. I'm really really really glad that I will be getting to meet PSY!!!!!"
- Sky Blu winner - Martina Pintener, 19, Student from Argentina.
"When I decided to participate, I wasn't really sure that I would win the Superfan VIP Trip, and when I learned that I had won I couldn 't believe It! I was amazed, I jumped, shouted, and called my parents (Who didn 't believe me that I had won). I love LMFAO and never ever thought that I would have an opportunity such as this one to meet Sky Blu!!!"
- Carly Rae Jepsen winner - Fatin Hazirah, 17, Student from Singapore
"It took me 10 seconds to realise that I was the Superfan winner for Carly Rae Jepsen. And until now, I still cannot believe that I have actually won. It has always been my dream to meet her!! Thank you Starcount for having this competition and for making my dreams come true. Thank you so so much!!"
- Blush winner - Angellika, 15, Student from Indonesia
"When i checked Twitter and found out that i was the winner, I was shocked! I felt like this was a dream because OMG i can meet my idol. Thanks to God, Starcount, and Blush because they gave me this chance. This might happen once in my life and is going to be an AWESOME EXPERIENCE <3 Just thank you!!!
- Pewdiepie winner - Effie Poh, Student from Singapore
"When I heard I was the Superfan winner of PewDiePie, I was really happy! I've been waiting for this moment to come and I couldn't believe it. I am REALLY REALLY REALLY happy that all my wishes are coming true!"