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A lost George Clooney movie that is almost 40 years old is finally being released!

By Rachelle  /  08 Sep 2020 (Tuesday)

Nearly four decades ago, a thriller film about a killer bear was made but never released. The film, Grizzly II, was a sequel to the 1976 Jaws ripoff about a gigantic murderous bear (Grizzly) and starred then-unknown actors George Clooney, Charlie Sheen and Laura Dern.

The sequel was shot in Hungary in 1983, but before additional special effects using a giant mechanical bear could be filmed, the film’s executive producer, Joseph Proctor, disappeared with all of the money. Producer Suzanne C. Nagy has became the inadvertent caretaker of the film and spent the last few years finishing the film by licensing recent stock footage of grizzly bears and working with editors to create a new movie, now titled Grizzly II: Revenge, an extremely bizarre film about a vengeful bear attacking an outdoor rock concert in Hungary.

There is no definite news on distribution for the lost film as of yet but it was reported that it will be released on streaming sites and at drive-in theaters (in the U.S.). Here's a trailer based on the newly cut film:
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