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The Battle is On in the Final Trailer of Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice!

By Flora  /  12 Feb 2016 (Friday)

It’s a battle between the superheroes in the latest, and final trailer of Zack Snyder’s Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice

There is so much of new footage in this new trailer, with heavy emphasis on Batman. It starts off with the caped crusader fighting off a ton of bad guys, which already takes up about 30s of the 2-minute clip. A lot of what we’re seeing are from Wayne’s perspective - like how he feels about Superman invading Earth. We do hope there will be another trailer to let us in on Superman’s thoughts too.

Meanwhile, enjoy this pretty epic trailer and feast on the fist battle towards the end of the video!

Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice opens InCinemas 24 March 2016!
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