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Catch The Dark Knight Rises Cast at the World Premiere this Tuesday morning!

By InCinemas  /  14 Jul 2012 (Saturday)
The world premiere of the biggest summer blockbuster, The Dark Knight Rises, will take place on Monday, 16 July! The location has not been disclosed but there will be a LIVE coverage which begins at 3pm PST/6pm EST.

This means that in Singapore, we'll also be able to catch a glimpse of the star-studded cast at its red carpet premiere on the early morning of Tuesday, 17 July at 6am (SG Time +8 GMT)!

So, if you would like to join director Christopher Nolan and stars Christian Bale, Michael Caine, Gary Oldman, Anne Hathaway, Tom Hardy, Marion Cotillard, Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Morgan Freeman for live interviews and red carpet arrivals, be sure to wake up earlier and tune in to the LIVE stream site or view it LIVE on Facebook!

The Dark Knight Rises marks the end of director Christopher Nolan's Dark Knight Triology which all started with Batman Begins (2005), followed by The Dark Knight (2008). And the director has emphazised that he is not going to do anymore Batman movies.

"We’re finished with all we’re doing with Batman," he said. "This is the end of our take on this character."

Be sure to make your advance bookings to The Dark Knight Rises at Cathay, Shaw (Also in IMAX), We Cinemas or Golden Village before the better seats are taken!

"Every great story deserves a great ending. And we're gonna try to be true to that." said Christopher in the 13 minutes featurette which shows a glimpse of the production scale and each of the cast. "The Dark Knight Rises is our attempt to give that great story its great ending."

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