Tom Holland, the Ultimate Spoiler, gives away major plot point in 'Avengers: Endgame'
By Say Peng / 25 Jun 2019 (Tuesday)
If you have not watched 'Avengers: Endgame', I recommend you stop reading now.
As you probably know, Spider-Man actor Tom Holland has a reputation for dropping spoilers like nobody's business.
Recently, Tom Holland has done it again.
On the Graham Norton show, Holland, who was promoting his upcoming movie 'Spider-Man: Far from Home', accidentally revealed one of the major deaths from 'Avengers: Endgame'.
Warning: Spoilers ahead!
Around the 28:50 mark, Holland said: "The film is a direct continuation of “Avengers: Endgame” so we deal with the ramifications of the blip, of the death of Tony Stark."
He finished by saying “Sorry if anyone hasn’t seen the film! If you haven’t, then you’re living under a rock, to be honest.”
The ensuing Tweetstorm that followed Holland's spoiler was intense.
In Holland's defence, the film has been showing in cinemas for 2 months.
'Spider-Man: Far from Home' will show in cinemas from 2 July. That's next week! Are you excited? We certainly are.